Grade Options
Removal of Incomplete
An “Incomplete” (“I”) may be assigned when a student’s work for a course is of passing quality but for which some specific required work has not been completed. Students must make arrangements with the instructor before the end of the course in order to receive an Incomplete. To remove the Incomplete, students must submit the remaining coursework and file a petition by the deadline printed in the Academic and Administrative Calendar (generally the end of the following quarter). Removal of Incomplete forms are available at the Registrar’s Office. Students are charged a $10 fee for the Removal of Incomplete. If students do not meet the deadline the Incomplete lapses to a No Pass or an F, depending on the grading option selected at the beginning of the quarter.
NOTE: Receiving an Incomplete in a required course during your final quarter at UCSC will prevent you from receiving your degree that quarter.
Pass/No Pass Grading
Anthropology students can choose to take courses required for the major or minor for a Pass/No Pass (P/NP) grading option. Students receive a P (Pass) for work that is performed at C level or better. However, all students must abide by the campus policy that at least 75% of their total UCSC credits applied to graduation must be taken for a letter grade. The Anthropology Department does not set any restrictions on how many required anthropology courses students can take for Pass/No Pass, however it is recommended that students take very few of their Upper-Division Anthropology courses for Pass/No Pass.